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2004 - October - Drew - National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Wor 2004 - October - Drew - National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers

Dr Tim Drew MBBS

Work Health Clinic - Mile End

New Medical Standards for Rail Safety Workers were adopted across all Australian States and Territories as of 1 July 2004. The new standard represents a significant step in the improvement of rail safety and is the first time a common system of health assessment has existed across all Australian jurisdictions.

The new standard adopts a risk management approach and reflects contemporary best practice in assessing the health of rail safety workers. The standard is a result of extensive research and input from a wide range of government, industry and medical stakeholders and although initially developed for Victoria was modified and then mandated for application across all Australian jurisdictions following on from recent rail accident investigations.

In this paper we will examine the genesis of the standard, its make-up with a particular focus on "Risk Mitigation" strategies and finally the obligations of employers, employees and medical practitioners in the implementation of the standard.


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