Professional Development
How can I plan my professional development?
The IRSE provides guidance on planning your professional development.
IRSE members have free access to MyCareerPath, a database for planning, recording and reflecting on your professional development activities.
What education is available?
The IRSE Australasian Section offers the Graduate Diploma of Railway Signalling.
The IRSE also offers the IRSE Professional Exam. Study groups for the IRSE Professional Exam are run as required – contact for further information.
What training is available?
The IRSE Australasian Section does not offer training courses. However, training courses that we are aware of that are offered in Australasia are listed here.
What continuing professional development is available?
In addition to the education and training mentioned above, the IRSE also provides continuing professional development through:
- Events, such as:
- IRSE International Conventions
- ASPECT conferences
- National Technical Meetings
- Local meetings
- Resources, such as:
- IRSE News magazine
- Technical papers
- Technical presentations
- IRSE Knowledge Base
- Textbooks
- Seminars are often held at National Technical Meetings on topics such as:
- Train Detection
- Management of Testing and Commissioning for Signalling and Control Systems