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1987 - July - Erdos - Adelaide Yard Resignalling - Stagew 1987 - July - Erdos - Adelaide Yard Resignalling - Stageworks

G.D. Erdos S.T.A. B. Tech., M.I.E., Aust., M.I.R.S.E.

Running almost in parallel with the Re-signalling Project two significant events were taking place which would strongly lnf luence the f lnal track and signal configuration of the Adelaide Yard area.

They were the withdrawal of Australian National interstate passenger services from Adelaide Station and a major building redevelopment over the Adelaide Yard air-rights. (Adelaide Station Environmental Redevelopnent Project AKR).

It was soon recognised that the impact of the ASER project, relocation of AN to Keswick and the re-signalling of Adelaide Yard had unveiled a unique opportunity to remodel the Adelaide Yard trackwork.

A new arrangement of tracks and switchwork for Adelaide Yard was prepared by the Permanent Way personnel of STA and subsequently Fargher Maunsell were engaged to carry out the Design/Documentation work. (See Flg.1 and Fig.2 - old layout/ new layout).

A number of benefits were soon seen to accrue from the remodelling, namely -

  • the ability to release areas previously occupied by platforms 1 to 4 to ASER for redevelopment;
  • the ability to run trains frm all platforms to the railcar depot, which was not previously possible with the old layout;
  • reduce maintenance costs resulting from a such resulting from a much Permanent Way layout.
  • reduced capital and operattng costs resulting from a less conplex stgnalling layout.

Accordingly, it was decided to remodel the Adelaide Yard trackwork. This work was to be staged in conjunction with the Adelaide Yard Re-signalling Project but only after completion of the ASER project.


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