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2023 - July - Moore - Signalling equipment Type Approval for safety and effici 2023 - July - Moore - Signalling equipment Type Approval for safety and efficiency

Trevor Moore

BEng (Elec), Hon FIRSE, FIEAust, RPEQ

Senior Signals Manager JMDR

The type approval of signalling equipment has been a common practice for over 50 years. Each railway organisation has been conducting the type approval assessments to demonstrate that the new and modified equipment meets their operating requirements. This means there is a lot of repetition of the assessments across different rail managers which impacts on the suppliers of the equipment.

The recent updating of the AS 7702 Rail Equipment Type Approval standard has included actions for harmonisation of the type approval processes. These are intended to focus on the efficiency of the process from the rail industry perspective and not just individual rail managers. The updates also ensure that the safety and regulatory requirements are met.

The type approval process is one part of the major actions required to introduce new technology and equipment into railway infrastructure. The context setting of the processes within the other actions is also detailed in this technical paper.

Trevor Moore


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Created byJohn Aitken
Changed byJohn Aitken

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