2019 – March – Yagyu Mazzino Nardi – Innovative Solutions for Digital Railways
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The evolution of digital technologies and information and communication technologies represents a great opportunity forrailway managers and operators to manage efficiently the railway infrastructure and to improve their services.
Important steps in this direction have already been taken by railway equipment suppliers, and smart solutions areavailable in the market.
This paper describes the innovative solutions for the digitalization of railway infrastructure and the achievement of highcapacity, reliable, and cost-efficient rail transport.
Two solutions are described: The evolution of ETCS, for improving network capacity, and minimizing infrastructureupgrading, and the Intelligent Asset Management System, for exploiting the vast amount of available data bytransforming it into knowledge for supporting decision-making. These two solutions provide a broader vision of a futurerailway by forming part of an integrated transport eco-system in which information is exchanged between differentservice providers and transportation modes ultimately to deliver reliable integrated mobility.