2023 – July – Xu – Using Karnaugh Map in Complex NSW Overlap Design

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Zhe Xu (David)
An Overlap is a safety buffer beyond the end of a train movement authority to allow the train to come to a safe stop, it serves as a final safeguard for maintaining separation between trains, regardless of whether they are moving in the same or opposing directions [1]. In certain areas like yard, junctions, or a station (such as Sydenham in NSW), the overlap can be more complex beyond the facing points in advance of the exit signal.
Signalling overlap logic design, which involves determining the point status (either normal or reverse) based on various input conditions, can be translated into logical expressions using binary variables (0 or 1) to represent the point status.
The Karnaugh map (also known as K-map) is a graphical method used to simplify Boolean algebra expressions [2].
As part of the current trend of digitization, K-map can provide a systematic approach to simplify and optimize the logic design in complex overlap scenario, K-map allow for the visualization of the relationships between input variables and output values, making it easier to identify patterns and simplify logical expressions.

Date of paper.

July 16th, 2023

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