2016 – November – Baird & McWhirter – CBTC and Level Crossing Protection
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Robert Baird BE (Elec) Hons, CEng, FIRSE, MIET Systra Scott Lister
Alistair McWhirter IEng, MIET, FIRSE Public Transport Victoria
Most CBTC implementations are typically on high throughput metros or rapid transit lines where an at grade road rail interface (level crossing) would not be appropriate. The methodology and treatment of level crossing protection under CBTC is therefore not considered to be the norm and would generally be treated as a bespoke add on to CBTC core functionality customised to the rules and the requirements of the specific railway.
This paper examines typical Australian level crossing applications under conventional signalling and considers the impact that CBTC functionality may have on level crossing protection including benefits in terms of improving operational safety and minimising road closure times.
It considers the methods applied where a railway authority has installed CBTC with interfaces to level crossing protection systems and discusses suitability for application in an Australian context.
The paper includes scenarios covering operation on both CBTC only and mixed operation lines in normal and degraded operation and contemplates how CBTC level crossing protection configurations could be applied in Australia.