2003 – July – Crompton and Ingleton – West Angelas Rail Project

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Damian Crompton Union Switch & Signal Pty Ltd Brian Ingleton Fluor Australia This technical paper discusses the modifications to the signalling system to facilitate of the amalgamation of the Hamersley Iron Railway and Robe River Iron Associates Railway and the new rail connection to Robe's new mine at west Angelas. Robe operate a heavy haulage railway system between its port facility at Cape Lambert and its iron ore mine at Pannawonica, and Hamersley Iron between its port at Dampier and mines at Tom Price, Brockman, Yandi, Marandoo and Paraburdoo. West Angelas is a new mine which is located approximately 100 kilometers northwest of the town of Newman in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. A spur from the existing Hamersley Iron railway at a junction called Juna Downs to West Angelas was constructed, along with a connection between Robe and Hamersley Iron railways at a junction referred to as the Northern Link. This Project is referred to as the West Angelas Rail Project (WARP).

Date of paper.

December 27th, 2015

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