1997 – July – Rustandi – Technology Transfer in Electronic Railway Signalling System
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Mrs Lily Rustandi Production Director
In the second Long Term Develortment Plan (PJP II), lndonesia is expected to be a self sufficient country, having tlie pr-oductivity and capability to compcte in the world market in the era of economic globalisation. LEN, a strategic state owned company has the mission to support the national developlnent in the field of professional electronics which includes electronic railway signalling systems.
Transfer of technology cooperation is one of the methods chosen by LEN to increase the capability in electronic railway signalling systems. Exanlining several factors, such as limitation of local budget, availability of loan financing, appropriate electronic signalling technology etc., Indonesia has selected V.P.1 (Viral Processor Interlocking) from USA/Netherlands, S.SI (Solid Slate lnterlocking) from UK/France and WESTRACE from Westinghouse Signals Australia to provide the electronic railway signalling systems in Indonesia.
This paper will present a picture of the technology transfer process experienced by PT. LEN INDUSTRI in cooperatioll with the Signalling Companies from Australia, UK, Netherlands, France and USA.