2003 – March – Turner – Information to Passengers An Ingredient of the Marketing Mix
Date Presented: December 27th, 2015
Jack Turner BE (Elec), Grad Dip BA
Passenger Transport Board of South Australia
The Passenger Transport Board (PTB) of South Australia, with the assistance of TransportSA, has engaged Tyco Integrated Systems to install a Real Time Passenger lnformation System (RTPIS) in Adelaide. The system comprises equipment in 45 buses, communications infrastructure, PC Sewers and workstations, software and 34 electronic signs. The signs will be distributed along two major route groups servicing Henley Beach Road and The Parade, Nowood. The system is currently being installed and is anticipated to be in operation in mid-2003. It is similar to a system in operation in Melbourne's eastern suburbs.
This paper is from the PTB's perspective. It contains a brief technical description of the system, a brief description of some of the operational issues that are foreseen to arise in its implementation and a brief description of how it fits within PTB's overall marketing plan.
The RTPIS architecture is designed to be expanded in a modular fashion if it is so justified, or to remain in operation as is, if not. This paper also briefly describes an evaluation which will form part of that decision making process.