Technical Meeting Papers

Technical Meetings are held three times per year.
Papers are available here for download.
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2008 – Nov – Stelmach – Proposed Electric Traction for Auckland

Date Presented: December 27th, 2015

Jan Stelmach MSc Elect Eng CPEng MIEAust D’ACE Design And Consulting Engineers The electrification of the Auckland passenger service is one of the biggest transport infrastructure projects undertaken by the government of New Zealand. The Auckland Electrified Area (AEA) consists of approximately 175 Single Track Kilometres over five existing, yet to be built and upgraded railway lines. This paper describes the general requirement for the railway fixed electrical infrastructure and then discusses the applied process and tools used to determine the most appropriate traction system for the Auckland electrification. It also points to the challenges encountered and solutions found during that process. The project is in progress and therefore this paper refers to its present status as at the end of September 2008.


2006 – July – Chadwick – TPWS – A Train Protection System for Regional Victoria

Date Presented: December 27th, 2015

Marcus Chadwick BE (Elec), Dip Bus Mgt, MIRSE, MAIPM Asia Pacific Rail Until now, the maximum permitted train speed in Victoria has been 130 km/h. With the advent of the Regional Fast Rail project, train speeds up to 160 km/h will occur and in order to support this increase in operating speeds, a train protection system has been applied. TPWS was specified as the technology for the enforcement function of the Train Protection system after consideration of performance, cost and supply factors. This paper describes the development journey of the train protection system. From the selection and adaptation of the generic TPWS product through to its integration with the signalling system to form an effective train protection system. The paper identifies the objectives of the train protection function, highlights the differences between the UK application of TPWS and the Victorian application, details the engineering and signalling principles, and identifies the stakeholder consultation process adopted in delivering the train protection system.


1998 – March – Colley – AWARE Communications Control Centre

Date Presented: December 27th, 2015

Richard Colley Chief Engineer Open Access Pty. Ltd.  


2008 – Nov – Cotton & Wood – Auckland Metropolitan Railway Upgrading – Operational Background and Challenges

Date Presented: December 27th, 2015

Ian Cotton, CMILT, ONTRACK Simon Wood, BE CEng (UK) MIPENZ, MIET, AMIRSE, Maunsell AECOM This paper provides a description of the Auckland Metropolitan Rail Network including the current passenger and freight operations, the existing multi-agency governance and funding arrangements together with an outline of the current upgrading and electrification projects and proposed electric train fleet. The operational challenges associated with trying toaccommodate ambitious passenger service growth aspirations within a mixed traffic railway, which has had minimal investment for many decades are described, together with an outline of the operational modelling tools which are currently being used to analyse network capacity and develop robust passenger and freight timetables for the electrified railway. A description of the current and possible future signalling and associated railway system control arrangements is provided, together with an overview of the areas in which the introduction of higher frequency electric services will require establishment of new operational and maintenance procedures as well as the development of rail industry personnel capabilities and competencies.


2002 – April – Walker – Condition Assessment System & Train Control Reporting as Applied to Signalling & Communications Infrastructure

Date Presented: December 27th, 2015

K I WALKER FIRSE DIRECTOR SIGNALLING TMG INTERNATIONAL TMG International, has developed a software system that is capable of providing an assessment of the condition of the signalling and communications infrastructure. This Condition Assessment System (CAS) has been developed to assist Asset Managers understand the condition of the infrastructure under their control and to be able to accurately forecast the need for future renewals and upgrade.


2003 – March – Turner – Information to Passengers An Ingredient of the Marketing Mix

Date Presented: December 27th, 2015

Jack Turner BE (Elec), Grad Dip BA Passenger Transport Board of South Australia The Passenger Transport Board (PTB) of South Australia, with the assistance of TransportSA, has engaged Tyco Integrated Systems to install a Real Time Passenger lnformation System (RTPIS) in Adelaide. The system comprises equipment in 45 buses, communications infrastructure, PC Sewers and workstations, software and 34 electronic signs. The signs will be distributed along two major route groups servicing Henley Beach Road and The Parade, Nowood. The system is currently being installed and is anticipated to be in operation in mid-2003. It is similar to a system in operation in Melbourne's eastern suburbs. This paper is from the PTB's perspective. It contains a brief technical description of the system, a brief description of some of the operational issues that are foreseen to arise in its implementation and a brief description of how it fits within PTB's overall marketing plan. The RTPIS architecture is designed to be expanded in a modular fashion if it is so justified, or to remain in operation as is, if not. This paper also briefly describes an evaluation which will form part of that decision making process.


2005 – Oct – Jadhav – Bombardier CBTC Solutions

Date Presented: December 27th, 2015

Rajendra Jadhav B Eng, MBA, AMIRSE Bombardier Transportation This paper provides an overview of the Bombardier* CITYFLO* 450/650 Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) systems. CITYFLO 450/650 are emerging as the leading technologies, which were recently selected as the preferred train control in major systems such as the Neihu Rapid Transit system in Taiwan, the Yong-In LRT system in South Korea and Madrid Metro's Lines 1 and 6 in Spain. The paper elaborates on specific concepts / definitions that are applied to the moving block CBTC technology and will explain the architecture of the CITYFLO 450/650 systems emphasising the approach taken while conceptualising the design of these systems. The paper also describes some of the special features that make these solutions first in their class. The paper also discusses the methodology used to satisfy the overlay approach where the operator demands the implementation of a CBTC system on an existing operational or "brownfield" system, without affecting existing operations. It specifically addresses the interesting application of CITYFLO 650 for the Neihu-Muzha lines in Taiwan, which has the unique characteristics of being both greenfield and brownfield with an existing 12-km line and the new 15-km extension, as well as featuring both new and existing rolling stock. The paper describes the Bombardier approach and strategy to achieve implementation with such challenging requirements.


1998 – March – Shuard – National Rail

Date Presented: December 27th, 2015

Max Shuard CPEng, B. Bus (Transport) M.I.E. Aust, M.C.I.T. National Rail Corporation Ltd. The delivery of the 120 NR class locomotives to National Rail has been the largest and most ambitious locomotive contract in Australia's history. The rate of delivery, essential to National Rail's business plans, has set a new milestone in design and manufacturing in the power train the locomotive itself is designed and built to specifically accommodate National Rail's operations around the standard gauge network of Australia. To date the locomotive has been awarded engineering excellence awards from the National and NSW divisions of the Institution of Engineers.


2009 – April – De Worp, Di Lernia & Shier – Advanced Train Management System ( ATMS ) Proof of Concept Phase

Date Presented: December 27th, 2015

Mike van de Worp, Lino Di Lernia & Craig Shier General Manager, Communications and Control Systems Division (ARTC), Program Director (ARTC) and Program Manager (LM) Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) & Lockheed Martin (LM) In June 2008 the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) announced an investment of A$90 million to improve capacity, safety and efficiency on the interstate rail network through the development of an 'Advanced Train Management System' (ATMS). As part of the investment the ARTC entered into a contract for A$73.2 million with Lockheed Martin (LM) for the company to design, develop, construct, integrate and test an ATMS prototype system on 105 kilometres of the interstate rail network between Crystal Brook and Port Augusta. Lockheed Martin has engaged Ansaldo-STS to assist with the delivery of the project. The 'Proof of Concept Phase' of the ATMS program is underway and by April 2009 the project will be 10 months into the 39 month schedule. This paper outlines the ATMS project, the broad program plan and the rationale for and description of the ATMS including a status report on the current 'Proof of Concept Phase'. The paper will also examine some of the key issues that the program is addressing.


2006 – July – Allison – Brakes and Signalling

Date Presented: December 27th, 2015

Warwick Allison Chief Engineer Signals RailCorp One of the main elements of signalling is to ensure sufficient warning is given to drivers of where they need to stop, or reduce speed such as for a turnout. Clearly there needs to be a suitable braking distance between this warning and the stop signal or speed restriction. The Central Queensland University post graduate course in Railway Signalling provides new signal engineers with a comprehensive, accelerated way to skill up in this specialised discipline. This paper is presented around the course elements for train braking and signalling CPD 3, Signalling the layout Week 1, Topic 2 and 3, and Week 2 Topic 1 and expands on some of the practicalities and issues presented by train braking and its effect on signalling design and system capacity.  


2024 – March – Zhu, Lauro & Nardi – Innovative Tablet Solution for Improving Rail Operation

Author(s): Dr Bin Zhu, Gianluigi Lauro & Federico Nardi

In this paper, we would like to introduce an innovative proposal based on the research conducted by the Hitachi Rail Innovation team to further improve the existing available tablet application, particularly

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2024 – March – Sudholz – Passively Active – Warning systems for passive & occupation level crossings in agricultural settings

Author(s): Thomas Sudholz

This Paper investigates the issues regarding use of passive level crossings for livestock movements in the agricultural industry. This unavoidable practice presents a different risk profile to the typical user, with livestock movement being

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2024 – March – Robinson – Barriers to innovation in signalling design, verification, and validation

Author(s): Neil Robinson

I started in signalling more than 30 years ago at British Rail, where I learnt how to design interlockings, initially in relay circuits, and then by programming Solid State Interlockings. This work sparked my interest in safety critical syste

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2024 – March – Moore – Signalling Principles – What are they and where do they come from?

Author(s): Trevor Moore

The term signalling principles is often referenced with regards to the design of a signalling system. It is also used as part of the title of a person ‘Principles Verifier’ or ‘Principles Tester’. Some rail managers also reference signalling p

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2024 – March – Khan & Kamarulzaman – FRMCS – Integrated Migration Strategy

Author(s): Obaid Khan & Khairulzaman Kamarulzaman

This paper offers a detailed FRMCS integrated migration strategy as a preparatory guide for current GSM-R users, particularly Rail Transport Operators (RTOs), as well as for projects in the planning and developmen

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2024 – March – Alvarez – Case Study – FRMCS Migration Path in Perth

Author(s): Rodrigo Alvarez

The Public Transport Authority of Western Australia (PTA) is currently building a new mobile radio and backhaul transmission communications network across the Perth metropolitan electrified railway network. 

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2024 – August – Burns – Human Factors at Level Crossings

Author(s): Peter Burns

Today’s railway fatalities are arguably more likely to occur at level crossings than in the train collisions we tend to focus most attention on controlling. Designing for level crossing safety can be messy and grey, especially when the dependen

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2024 – August – Boss – Human aspects of managing cyber security in delivering ERTMS

Author(s): John Boss

The Netherlands is rolling out the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) across the national network. The government created a Programme Directorate to manage the rollout. Cyber security for both ERTMS as well as the transportation syst

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2022 – November – Youle – Qualitative analysis – the more efficient approach to managing risks SFAIRP

Author(s): Patrick Youle

To support the acceptance of safety risk for configuration changes to railways, systems engineering recognises both qualitative and quantitative hazard and risk assessment methods. Quantitative analysis can be perceived as objective and quali

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2022 – November – Hunter – Cybersecurity in the Railway Industry

Author(s): Hugh Hunter

Cybersecurity is a hot topic worldwide with regular attacks being performed against multiple domains.

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