1972 – Nov – Wardrop – Simulation of Railway Operations
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AW Wardrop
Research Officer, NSWGR
The following discussions relate to two aspects of a computer simulation model developed for NSWGR by members of its Research and Development Section. The model called DTRAIN/STRAIN carries out train performance calculations and train interaction calculations for any type of motive power and for a large number of consecutive trains over a common section of track. The two functions are separately discussed here and the verification procedures outlined for each. No attempt will be given as to the types of uses to which such a model can be put in the body of the discussions so it might be best to suggest some here:
vetting changes in timetalbes for existing trains and routes
examinng performance of new rolling stock
examineg the effect on new and existing rolling stock of new routes
vetting the performance of existing signalling systems
use as a planning tool for new signlling systems.