1989 – April – McCauley – Signalling for the Perth Urban Rail Electrification Project
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D.E. McCauley FIRSE
Manager Signals
The existing Perth Urban Passenger Rail System consists of three double track 1067mn1 gauge lines radiating fron City to Fremantle, Midland trnd Armadale. (A eection of single track exists over the Swan River near Belmont Park).
The Fremantle to City and Ouildford line was opened in 1681 and cxtc!nded to Midland in 1884, the Armadale line was opened in 1893.
Trains on the existing system consist of diesel r a i l cars most of wltich are in a deteriorated condition, in peak hours locomotive hauled saloon car sets supplement the service.
In 1984 the Government through the Co-ordinator General of Trana port commissioned an inquiry into the electrification of the Perth Suburban railways, the report, presented in February 1985 resulted in the Government announcing in September 1985 its intention in principle to electrify the suburban system. They then establiehed the Urban Rail Steering Committee comprising representative fron the key Government Departments involved. A project team comprising Westrail and Transperth officers with assistance of consultants was established by the Steering Commitee to produce a Master Plan, this was presented to the Government who accepted the plan and formally announced the commencement of the project on February 14 1988 concurrent with announcing the contract for the Electric Multiple Unit rail car manufacture.
This paper describes the signalling system adopted for the project, other papers will describe the Train Control Concepts including the Interlocking Control system and Remote Interface Modules, Train Describer function and the Communications and Train Information Systems.