1990 – Nov – Baird – Yard & Signal Rationalisations in Country Victoria

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R. Baird B.E. M.I.R.S.E. Project Manager, Public Transport Corporation Victoria The rationalisation of signalling and trackwork in the Victorian country rail network is an important part of V/Line8s investment strategy.Since the formation of V/Line in 1983:- 43 signalled yards have been completely abolished where lines have been closed. 18 yards with mechanical interlockings have been "straightrailed" and the signalling abolished. 10 yards have had local control panels installed to replace 16 mechanical interlockings. 6 yards ( 7 mech. interlockings) have been remotely controlled and 2 yards have been converted to automatic signalling. In addition, many installations have been "demanned" by requiring train crews to perform their own safeworking under "Train Orders".To facilitate this, 5 locations have been converted from mechanical interlockings to plunger or staff/annett/cross locking. Where yards are to be retained, it is not a simple case of replacing mechanical interlockings by relay interlockings controlled locally or remotely. Each case must be considered on merit and often lower cost alternatives to relay interlockings are chosen to ensure return on investment is maximised.On low volume freight lines which do not carry time sensitive traffic e.g. grain, the 'simple solution' of plunger or staff locking operated by train crews under train orders is entirely appropriate.

Date of paper.

December 27th, 2015

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