1991 – March – Neal – The ANly Way to Go

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Andrew L Neal FIRSE General Manager - Technical Services, Australian National The title of this paper was given to me without consultation. The title implies that AN has chosen a new and ideal way forward with its Austrac project. In my view this is far from the truth. for whilst the applications to the Railroad industry are new. the Technology is not. AN has recognised the reality that the Railroad industry is now in, the economic reality of all organisations, that are not protected by some sort of economic shield, or not yet catapulted into the reality, that Engineers no longer run Railroads. Austrac isa new concept. far from the conventional thinking that is behind most signalling projects, and does break new ground in both the train control and communication arenas. and probably most significantly, in the application of new technology to the railroad.

Date of paper.

December 27th, 2015

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