1994 – March – Symons & Vaz – North Sydney Resignalling
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Peter Symons, F.I.R.S.E.
Manager N.S.W. Operations Westinghouse Brake Rr. Signal Co. (Aust.) Ltd.
Tony Vaz, F.I.R.S.E.
Project Manager Signal Renewal Rr. Modernisation Programme North State Rail Authority of N.S.W.
This paper details the rationale behind the decisions governing the signalling arrangements for North Sydney and describes the system installed and the ways in which problems were succesfully ercome during the :velopment of the project.
The SRA, after investment appraisal, selected North Sydney for resignalling and track rationalisation. Subsequently a contract was awarded on the 17th of July 1992 to Urestinghouse Brake L% Signal Company (Australia) Ltd (WBA) . 'T'he selected interlocking system was SS1 allowing eventual control fiom the City Rail Control Centre and ir! the interim fro111 a temporary panel in the Sydney Signal Box.