1996 – March – Baker & Oberkramer – BHPI0 : Improving Safety & Efficiency with Automatic Train Protection (ATP)

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Brett Baker, B.E. (Elec), MBA, Project Leadr - ATP, BHP Iron Ore Bill Oberkramer, B.E., Systems Engineer, Harmon Industries The main aims of the railroad of BHPIO is to improve efficiency and safety. The current signal status information as been provided to the driver in the locomotive cab on a continuous basis and the removal of search light signals, also provides distinct maintenance and operational advantages. One of the main features of the system is its Integration with the locomotive electronic air brake system, whereby the ATP system can provide controlled braking applications, overcoming the hazards of only a penalty application. The introduction of ATP, resulting form the success of the Best Practice Demonstration Program, shall provide the Railroad Department of BHPIO with additional safety in an environment where safety is considered with the highest priority.

Date of paper.

December 27th, 2015

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