1997 – July – Clenick – Cirebon-Kroya-Yogyakarta – Resignalling Project
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Own Clenick B.E (Hons). MIRSE. RPEQ and Reg. Eng. NZ
Westinghouse Signals Australia
The Indonesian Government railways are operated by PERUMKA which is currently a semi Corporation contained within the Directorate General of Land Transport and Inland Waterways (DGLT) which is itself under the Department of Communications. PERUMKA has an extensive railway network in Java but most of the signalling is still mechanical and up to sixty years old. Over the last twenty-five years relay interlocking have been installed at the larger stations to increase operating efficiency. The planning of DGLT and PERUMKA has been to resignal the main lines in Java to increase the traffic capacity.
WSA began investigating the resignalling of the railway between Cirebon-Kroya-Yogyakarta in 1987 in cooperation with AusAID under the Development Import Finance Facility (or DIFF) program. Under this program the Australian Government makes a grant which allows the Indonesian Government to obtain a loan with lower than market interest rates to finance the project. The review of railways signalling technology to be used in Indonesia by the Indonesian Government and other factors deferred progress and the preliminary joint site surveys with PERUMKA took place in June 1992. After the tendering and evaluation process the contract to resignal this section of line was signed between DGLT and WSA on 13 April 1993 for a value of A$115.318.000