1998 – Nov – Heibel – Modern Engineering & Design of Computer Based Interlockings

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Dr.-lng. Frank Heibel Group Manager Signalling & Control Systems Siemens Ltd. The global marketing of Computer Based Interlocking technolog makes high demands on customisation (reffered to as engineering) and design. Particularly, the respective tools have to be economical and user-friendly. This paper describes the tools for the engineering and design of Siemens SIM IS-W Computer Based Interlocking and its VlCOS user interface. After a brief background of the history of SlMlS interlockings and the tool development, the main requirements, which led to a new generation of engineering and design tools, are outlined. Some definitions and explanations of the systems and expressions used in this paper are given. The engineering process for interlocking and user interface is described, followed by the design process for project-specific data. A brief conclusion with a glance of future prospects closes this paper.

Date of paper.

December 27th, 2015

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