2000 – March – Detering – Transport Reform in Victoria

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R.H.Detering FIRSE Rahden Pty Ltd The provision of government owned rail transport facilities within Victoria has undergone significant reform during the last decade. The pace of change accelerated upon the election of the Kennett government in 1992 culminating with a number of separate franchised operations being put in place during 1999. This paper largely focuses on passenger transport and does not attempt to canvas the commercial aspects of transport reform. The paper describes the organisations and processes that were put in place to effect the franchising of the businesses, particularly the processes by which decisions were made and approved. A summary description of the two key documents that give legal effect to the privatisation, namely the Franchise Agreement and the Infrastructure Lease Agreement is included to enable a better comprehension of the Victorian Transport Reform.

Date of paper.

December 27th, 2015

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