2000 – March – Warwick – Privatisation the Thiess Infraco Way
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Jim Warwick
Signal Maintenance CO Ordinator Thiess lnfraco
On the 2gth August 1999 the Victorian public transport system was privatised.
Bayside Trains, Swanston Trams and VlLine Pass were franchised to National Express.
Hillside Trains were franchised to Melbourne Transport Limited.
Yarra Trams were franchised to Metro Link.
With the announcement that National Express Group had won the bid for Bayside Trains, Swanston Trams and VlLine Passenger, the long process to make the new venture viable had begun.
A joint venture between Thiess Contractors and RSA provide such services as to enable the best management possible of the assets.
Thiess lnfraco has an alliance contract with National Express Group to maintain the infrastructure for Bayside Trains and Swanston Trams.
Risks are carried by the party in the best position to do so, with profits dependent on achieving Key Performance specified in the contract.