2002 – April – Jackson – Meeting the Challenge to Provide TechnoloLOGY that Meets Operator Needs
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Lyle Jackson Managing Director
Union Switch & Signal Pty Ltd
Understanding and meeting the operators needs in a rapidly changing industry environment is a major challenge for the signal and telecommunications industry.
Change has impacted on all aspects of the industry including the corporatisation and privatisation of previously government railways, the segregation into above rail and below rail organisations, the introduction of rail safety regulators, the increased documentation demands for equipment approval, the mobility of the workforce as well as the technology used.
The major driving force as we move into the new millennium is the changing perspective of operators and hence their changing needs. The impact of business focus on the management of railways will drive the need for more performance driven solutions that make effective use of technology. The paradigm shift will be from providing engineering solutions to particular aspects such as signalling or train control systems, to providing technology that will provide integrated traffic management solutions to meet operators needs so that they, in turn, can meet their customers needs.
Those organisations with the ability to adapt and to work more closely in client/supplier teams to deliver integrated systems which improve business performance will prosper in the new millennium.