2002 – August – Riedel – QR Maintenance : A New Direction
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Scott Riedel B Eng (Hons) R. P. Eng
Manager Trackside Systems, Regional and Systems Support, QR.
In response to customer expectations of reduced costs and increased safety and set against a backdrop of an increasingly litigious society, Trackside Systems has established a framework for maintenance which it hopes can meet or exceed customer requirements, while detailing a process which demonstrates a duty of care.
The framework QR has adopted is one of competency based training and assessment, combined with a maintenance regime consisting of a comprehensive suite of defined maintenance tasks and ongoing asset condition and performance review.
National competencies are listed in position descriptions which define roles. These National Competencies are tailored to QR requirements by familiarisation training, which can be provided in the field by suitably qualified staff.
All maintenance tasks have been defined by a check sheet and maintenance periods. These check sheets are underpinned by competency training and together with an equipment database form the basis for a maintenance scheduling system. These schedules are base on Failure Modes & Effects analysis or historical maintenance methods, but in either case are subject to ongoing review for effectiveness. This review is performed by correlating real time fault data for equipment with maintenance records. This is part on an ongoing asset condition and maintenance performance review. This data review is integral to improving data integrity, thus allowing a basis for sound business decisions on network investment.
The above framework and its on-going nature is believed to be the key to maintaining safety in a justifiable manner, in an environment where cost reduction is expected.