2003 – July – Lauder – Train Control Systems – Time for a Paradigm Shift!

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Malcolm Lauder
BE (Elec), RegPM, MIRSE
Connell Wagner
The time for a wholistic approach to delivery of Train Control Systems is nigh !
This paper establishes Connell Wagner’s credentials to engage in a discussion on Train Control Systems. In so doing, it provides a potted history of technological developments and drivers for change over the past quarter of a century.
The discussion then leaves the past behind and investigates the current environment. A broad overview of the Train Control System market segment is provided. This is complemented by an analysis of the business drivers that may promote or restrain change.
The current attitude of stakeholders is discussed. Areas are identified where an adjustment of attitude, and adoption of a new mindset, will result in the improved efficiencies for Train Control System delivery that all stakeholders crave.
Now, in the prevailing spirit of change of the deregulated industry, is the time to take a leap of faith – to check our vested interests and internal bias at the door, and apply a wholistic approach to Train Control System Project delivery. Astute and progressive stakeholders will benefit from the efficiencies that will accrue, as surely as night follows day.

Date of paper.

October 20th, 2024

Author Details

Malcolm Lauder

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