2003 – July – Pilbara Rail A New Challenge
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Anthony Godber BSc(Eng), CEng, MIEE, MIRSE
Pilbara Rail Company
2001, the integration of the Hamersley Iron and Robe River railways was announced. These two railways became the Pilbara Rail Company in April 2002. The primary purpose of this integration was to achieve capital and operating efficiencies for both mining companies.
In particular, the connection of Robe's new mine at West Angelas with its port at Cape Lambert was achieved by maximum use of the existing Hamersley and Robe infrastructure, minimising the initial capital outlay to bring the mine on-line. This paper describes some of the challenges presented by the formation of the Pilbara Rail Company, particularly with reference to operations, signalling and communications. It also notes some of the achievements of the first year of operation.