2005 – Oct – Mott, Roberts, Threlfall & Glover – Strategies for Re-signalling Metro Lines Compared to Signalling New Lines, Using the London Underground Victoria Line as an Example
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David Mott BA MBA MSc CEng MIEE FIRSE MAPM MCIT MILTRichard Roberts BSc CEng MIEE MIRSEPhil Threlfall BSc CEng FIEE MIRSEEur Ing Mark Glover BSc BPhil CEng FIEE FIRSE
Westinghouse Rail Systems Ltd
For many years the rapid worldwide expansion in urban transport systems has led to the requirement for new signalling systems to be provided for green-field sites. Entire systems have been developed with an integrated approach to civil engineering, permanent way, electrification, provision of rolling stock, signalling, train control, train supervision and operation.
Now however the emphasis is changing, and there is an increasing demand for signalling, train control and train supervision systems to upgrade existing, running, railways. These upgrades have to be carried out with minimum disruption to the railway service – often within Engineering Hours only.
Nowhere is this trend more apparent than in the Asia Pacific region.
A European example of such migration is Westinghouse Rail Systems' resignalling of the London Underground Victoria Line for Bombardier Transportation on behalf of Metronet Rail BCV. This involves the upgrade of the existing railway from the 1960s generation ATP and ATO systems to a fully featured communications based solution by 2009.