2006 – Nov – Ness – A Short History of Adelaide Railyard ( 150 Years in 20 Minutes )
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David Ness MIEAust, MIRSE
Connell Wagner
When first asked if I would be prepared to present a paper for the Adelaide IRSE I was somewhat mystified as to what I would present about. Although I have had a considerable association with the Adelaide urban network over the last 20 years it has, to be honest, some years since that involvement has involved practical activity that I consider may be of professional or technical interest to the membership of the IRSE.
After a little thought however I realised how little I knew of the history of the Adelaide network, or indeed the history of any of Australia's rail networks, and decided that as many readers are likely to be in the same position as myself, ie. railway professionals unfamiliar with the history of the assets they work with daily, that a short summary of a selection of historic highlights pertaining to the Adelaide system would be as good a topic as any. Furthermore, and in order to tie in with the theme of this conference, I have elected to concentrate on the history of Adelaide Station and Yard itself rather than the entirety of the network.