2008 – July – Automated Signalling Design – A Feasibility Study

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Aaron Fraser BSc, BEng, Post.Grad.Dip RailSig, S.I.R.S.E. Ansaldo STS This paper documents the proposed development of new automated signalling design tools to facilitate improvement in the current design lifecycle for Ansaldo STS. The project was undertaken as part of the CQU Postgraduate Diploma in Railway Signalling – CPD6 Signalling Research Project. It investigates methods of automating signalling design for the Ansaldo STS Brisbane signalling design office and the benefits of these tools to the company. The design methodology for a typical QR Regional signalling project forms the basis of the research. The project has determined four tools to assist in the production of signalling design: the Bid Tool for generating cost estimations for signalling works; the Drawings Tool for generating circuits; the Microlok II Design Tool for generating Application Logic; and the V&V Tool for automatically validating and verifying the system against safe Signalling Principles. This paper discusses the goals of the project, the project methodology, major findings, and recommendations for Ansaldo STS and all signalling design companies.

Date of paper.

December 27th, 2015

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