2008 – July – Huth – Overview of QR Signalling Principles
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Paul Huth BE(Elec), RPEQ, AMIRSE
QR Network
This paper provides an overview of the signalling systems and principles that are used on the QR network (excluding the standard gauge between Acacia Ridge and the NSW border).
The content is intended to be informative only, describing the nature and meaning of aspects displayed to drivers, typical interlocking functions provided by control systems, and an overview of some of the technology systems that are used as part of the overall signalling system.
Note that this paper is not intended to be comprehensive, or to be used as a design specification or design input. In some cases, a simplified description of the principle is provided to convey the intent, rather then providing a full description of the requirement. More detailed signalling specifications are available to designers of systems for the QR network. A number of these are listed as references to this paper.