2011 – July – Zhang & Baulderstone – Rail Car Depot Infrastructure -The Dry Creek Experience

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Paul Zhang BE (Elec), GradIEAust Sinclair Knight Merz David Baulderstone BE (EEE), GradIEAust Sinclair Knight Merz The former Adelaide Rail Car Depot has been relocated from Adelaide to a new site at Dry Creek to make way for the new Royal Adelaide Hospital. This new depot not only provides improved train maintenance and train washing capabilities, but also infrastructure and train control systems to support the effective movement and control of suburban rollingstock throughout the depot. This paper provides an overview of the project, as well as a technical review of the following topics: Redevelopment of the Signalling System at Dry Creek, including Upgrade of the Gawler Mainline (Dry Creek section) relay interlocking to a computer based interlocking system to accommodate additional signalling infrastructure Interface redesign between Adelaide CTC and Dry Creek Mainline interlocking, ARTC and Dry Creek Mainline interlocking, Mainline interlocking and RCD Define boundaries for CTC and Depot Control Power Distribution Design at Dry Creek RCD Transformer, generator and switchboard architecture Underground conduit and pit network Power monitoring Dry Creek Project Design Challenges Coordinating with multiple contractors Introduction of new signalling equipment on Adelaide Broad Gauge Network, such as Westrace, M23A and 84M point machines Interfacing Design

Date of paper.

December 27th, 2015

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