2012 – March – Wilson – Level Crossing Principles
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Laurie Wilson
Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board
The Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB) is a small dynamic organisation based in Canberra. The RISSB works with rail industry representatives to develop national rail standards. The RISSB works towards “harmonising rail through progressive improvement not delayed perfection.” One of the current standards recently completed is AS 7658 Level Crossings. This paper outlines the RISSB standards development process, the technical aspects and principles of the level crossings. All RISSB standards are accredited nationally in conjunction with Standards Australia. The RISSB development process leads the way in its quality and rigour to ensure a suitable outcome is achieved that benefits rail organisations at all levels and areas of the industry. The technical component of the RISSB AS document is derived from the discussions and contributions of representatives from rail organisations and is deemed by these contributors to be good practise for the rail industry.
The development of the level crossing standard is a significant achievement in that it had to take into consideration and facilitate an agreed outcome across a number of interfaces. The development of the level crossing principles were created in conjunction with the development of the level crossing standard.