2014 – July – Moore – Signalling Concept Plan – RIP
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Trevor Moore B Eng, MBA, FIRSE, FIEAust
Australian Rail Track Corporation
The Concept Signalling Plan is often used to allow scoping and costing of a project for approval at an early phase in a project program. While it is basically a cut down version of a Signal Arrangement Plan, the compromises in producing the Concept Signalling Plan often result in significant differences in the verified final Signal Arrangement Plan. These may lead to variations in scope, rework, cost increases and project delays. The only advantage of the Signal Concept Plan is that it can be produced with only a little effort, as there is still the need to produce the final Signal Arrangement Plan.
Considering the disadvantages that can flow from an incorrect signal concept plan, the advantages are vastly overshadowed. Producing the verified Signal Arrangement Plan in lieu of the signal concept plan allows the project to proceed on a firm basis and achieve the required outcomes with the minimum of rework.
This paper examines the advantages of designing the Signal Arrangement Plan at an early phase in the project and deleting the requirement for the Concept Signalling Plan.