2015 – March – Baird – Victorian Signalling Principles

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Robert Baird BE (Elec) Hons, CEng, FIRSE, MIET Rail Networks Consulting This paper provides an overview of the signalling systems and principles that are used on the Victorian network. While originally being one rail network where the majority of these principles come from, Victoria now has 3 separate main networks: Metropolitan (run by Metro Trains Melbourne), Regional and Country (run by V/Line) and Interstate & Standard Gauge (ARTC). Each of these networks is currently modifying existing and developing new principles to suit their business; so at best this paper represents a snapshot in time.This paper is meant to be informative only, describing the signalling systems used to implement the safeworking systems in the Victorian Rulebook, the signalling configurations and aspects shown to drivers, the interlocking arrangements and an overview of some systems and technology used in the State. For detailed information the reader should refer to more detailed standards and documentation published by the Network Managers, a number of which are referenced in this paper.

Date of paper.

December 27th, 2015

Author Details

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