2015 – March – Simmons – Regional Rail Link TCS – The view of an operator

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Martin Simmons Simmons Rail Consultants The Regional Rail Link (RRL) Project required the introduction of a new V/Line Train Control System (TCS) to control the signalling in both existing areas and the new greenfields areas.While V/Line had a number of initial requirements, opportunities developed during the project for the enhancement of existing train operations and rail safety utilising the technology of the TCS. These opportunities were explored in conjunction with all parties and with the positive consultation and interaction between signalling professionals, specialist advisors such as Human Factors and Rail Safety experts, Operations management and the Train Controllers and Signallers. The result was a train control system that was commissioned by a focussed and co-operative team that has been fully accepted by the end users. This paper describes the journey from the point of view of the end user Train Controllers and Signallers.

Date of paper.

December 27th, 2015

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