2018 – March – Moore – Track Circuit Activation Issues for DMUs
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Trevor Moore
Signals Standards Engineer, Australian Rail Track Corporation
The first track circuits were developed in the 1870s. These were used on US Railroads. Over the following years theywere used on railways around the world. There have been substantial developments in the engineering and technologyused in track circuits through to the present time. However, after one hundred and forty five years we are still havingproblems with reliable operation of the track circuits in some applications.This paper will examine the type of trains, track circuit configurations and infrastructure conditions that contribute to theperformance limitations of the track circuit. The paper will cover engineering solutions and recent testing to address thereliable performance of the track circuits.The issue is complicated and involves the signalling equipment, rollingstock and the track infrastructure. Anunderstanding of these issues will assist the signal engineer in addressing solutions for reliable operation.