2012 – Oct – Boshier – Independent Verification of Light Rail Systems – What, when, how and why
Date Presented: December 27th, 2015
Steve Boshier, MIRSE
Hyder Consulting Pty Ltd
Independent Verification is an area that is not always well understood, perhaps misunderstood, yet if applied correctly in can produce huge benefits for both the contractor and client when implemented at the start of a project. In recent years there has been a continual growth in the area of Light Rail Systems and with this growth, the complexities of delivering these networks has also grown.
As the number of Light Rail Systems continues to expand, they not only need systems to ensure their safe operation, but they need to be planned and implemented in a safe fashion. This is where the role of the Independent Verifier comes into play and provides just as an important service to ensure that the system owner receives what they were expecting to end up with.
The Verifiers core function is to ensure that the design, construction, procurement, acceptance testing, completion along with the planning and documentation for the operations and maintenance phase are carried out in accordance with the project requirements.