2002 – April – Kjaer-Olsen – “From Track to Customer” Signalling, Train Control and Real Time Information Systems in Queensland Rail, Australia
Date Presented: December 27th, 2015
Kim Kjaer-Olsen (B. Sc. EE, MIRSE)
Queensland Rail
This paper describes some key systems deployed in Queensland Rail's (QR) signalling, train control, real time, passenger information and business systems, a synopsis of interlocking types, challenges associated with interfacing these to single train control systems, some of the special signalling applications (eg Dynamic Speed Indicators, LEDS, etc.) and the advantages that these have brought to train drivers and operations.
This paper will also describe the two types of train control systems used in QR and their respective geographic areas of control. Some of the key software features provided by these train control systems as well as perceived operational benefits are discussed, for example the application of "route queuing" in lieu of Automated Route Setting (ARS), point and click interfaces, GPS, long route setting, etc.
Some of the real time and management systems that receive information from QR's Train Control Systems and which in turn provide the above rail operators, the travelling public, station masters, ports, mines and management with a host of operational information, are also discussed.
Finally, QR's potential future usage of real time operational information is briefly presented. For example improved electronic timetable distribution, improved operational performance indicator reporting, etc.