2007 – July -Eyre – Signalling of the Southern Suburbs Railway
Date presented:
Paul Eyre Project Manager Ansaldo STS / Union Switch & Signal Pty Ltd The 71 km extension of the Perth electrified rail network from Perth through to Mandurah, commonly referred to as the Southern Suburbs Railway (SSR), commenced in 2003 and is due for completion towards the end of 2007. The SSR project is divided into several packages, namely A-G, involving numerous engineering disciplines and various contractor skill sets. Package "A" comprises all new railway infrastructure including earthworks, track and traction overhead works (except for the new bored tunnel and associated systems constructed by Package "F") and all the signalling and communication works. Packages "B", "C" & "D" cover the construction of 8 new stations. Package "E" covers alterations done by Mainroads WA to the Kwinana Freeway to accommodate the new railway line in the median from Perth to Thomas Road. Package "G" covers the train control works for the SSR. Package "A" main contractor and electrical systems subcontractor (Rail Link Joint Venture and ODG) employed Ansaldo STS to do the signalling system design, procurement of all signalling equipment, and testing and commissioning of the signalling system from Perth to Mandurah including the section through the bored tunnel section. Installation of the signalling equipment and "setting to work" were excluded. Package "G" main contractor is Ansaldo STS. Package "G" comprises replacement of the original system installed in 1989 when Perth was electrified by a new Phoenix Train Control System, and responsibility for the design, implementation and testing of modifications to the Phoenix Train Control System to incorporate the new Mandurah line, and design and supply of the Customer Information System for both the new and existing network. The construction of the SSR will be introducing new systems architecture, technology and practices to that previously used by the Public Transport Authority of Western Australia (PTA), the owner and operator of the Perth rail network. This paper identifies some of these innovations, and addresses challenges faced by Ansaldo STS to complete their works under Packages "A" & "G".