1992 – March – Chin – The Effective Implementation of an Automatic Vehicle Monitoring System
Date presented:
DAvid T.F. Chin., ME, MACS. Manager, Computer Engineering Services The PTC started looking at AVM(Automatic Vehicle Monitoring) Systems as early as 1978 and conducted a pilot project with four buses fitted and running in the West Heidelberg Route. The Objectives for the implementation of the AVM System at that time was to optirnise the deployment of fleet and crew resources, optimise Service delivery, improve public and crew safety. With the RC's "Service Now" focus, the other AVM benefits such as customer orientated capabilities are now being emphasised. The Schedule adherence data collected by AVM will also be used for real-time passenger information displays. Generally speaking, real-time control systems with real-time positioning and communication capabilities are now being realised for their Customer service capabilities because they are directly supporting the frontline staff(crews) and interfaces with passengers through passenger iformation displays. They are part of the frontline service infrastructure. The PTC's Automatic Vehicle Monitoring System technical origin is from the US system called the Hoffmann broadfield signpost AVM system. Hoffman Information Identification Inc., which later became Gould Information Identification Inc. won a contract against other Competitors offering other types of location techniques(reference l), to implement a pilot system in the Southern California Rapid Transit District (USA). This pilot system was funded by the US Department of Transport through the Urban Mass Transportation Administration(UMTA) to test, deploy and evaluate a state of art multi-user AVM system in an operating transit environment. The PTC's AVM System is similiar to this System.