1996 – July – Clark – You Can’t Afford to Not Train But Can You Affo
Date presented:
Leon Clark TTrIC DipTechTch GradDipEdAdmin MEdSt Training Consultant, Westinghouse Brake and Signal Company (Australia) Limited Changing economic and workforce practices in Australian railways have placed new demands on managers when considering training for their various operating systems, whether the demands be for new-system training or for re-current training. One possible solution in addressing these demands is out-sourcing of the provision of training This paper broadly examines the concept of the out-sourcing of training by identifying the relevant issues which should be considered by managers and by highlighting some examples of best practice. One benchmark for out- sourced training providers will be proposed along with some discussion on trainer accreditation and trainer professionalism. It will also discuss training provider accreditation, workplace assessment and the provision of certification. Whilst directed to the railway industry, the paper draws from a broad base of vocational training and education disciplines.