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Technical Meeting Papers

Technical Meetings are held three times per year.  Papers are available here for download.  You must be logged in to be able to download content.

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Downloads: 564
pdf0 2023 - July - Boldeman - Definition, Concept, and Detailed Design, a comparison

Steven Boldeman

The role of the signal designer varies significantly for designs generated at different stages of the product lifecycle. The development of a project, especially a large


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pdf1 2023 - July - Xu - Using Karnaugh Map in Complex NSW Overlap Design

Zhe Xu (David)

An Overlap is a safety buffer beyond the end of a train movement authority to allow the train to come to a safe stop, it serves as a final safeguard for maintaining


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pdf2 2023 - July - King - An integrated model based approach for introducing new signalling systems

Luke King

The increasing trend in the complexity of systems poses challenges to project delivery. The use of Systems Engineering (SE) in general, and the use of Model Based Systems


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pdf3 2023 - July - McGrath & Tivan - The V/Line Core Data Network Upgrade and the Digital Railway Transformation

Alex McGrath and Karl Tivan

Like many long-lived railways, V/Line works with a collection of inherited, evolved and entangled legacy communications equipment. Starting in 2009, the


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pdf4 2023 - July - Moore - Signalling equipment Type Approval for safety and efficiency

Trevor Moore

The type approval of signalling equipment has been a common practice for over 50 years. Each railway organisation has been conducting the type approval assessments to


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pdf5 2023 - July - Szacsvay - Dr William Robinson's enduring contribution to railway safety and productivity

Paul Szacsvay

Dr William Robinson (1841 – 1921) named by the Signal Section of the American Railway Association to be ‘the father of automatic block signalling”, is without doubt the most


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pdf6 2023 - July - Aitken - Failing Safe: Mindset Matters

Jeanette Aitken

Significant value can be gained from making mistakes in a supportive training environment, focusing on feedback and reflection. We look at how different mindsets can shape


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pdf7 2023 - July - Stephens - The IRSE Australasia Graduate Diploma - Where to from here?

Richard Stephens

Part of achieving a safe and efficient railway is the competence and capability of those who design, construct, test and maintain the railway control systems. The


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pdf8 2023 - March - Fraser - Benefits of Integrated Control Systems

Aaron Fraser

This paper examines the benefits of integrating operational control systems and functions into a single platform, providing a fully integrated user interface to enable


Aaron Fraser Size 1000 KB
pdf9 2023 - March - Rendell - Innovative Level Crossing Control System

Stewart Rendell

This paper aims to explore some of the technology options that are available now – considering pros and cons of each, and, looks to challenge the more traditional thinking


Stewart Rendell Size 934.69 KB
pdf10 2023 - March - Boldeman - Engineering Assurance vs Systems & Safety Assurance – a comparison

Steven Boldeman & Richard Mifsud

This paper reviews and discusses the differences and similarities between these two processes.

Steven Boldeman Size 573.2 KB
pdf11 2023 - March - Kindleysides - ARTC National Train Communication System Technology Refresh Project

Shaun Kindleysides

This paper provides a background and overview of the NTCS, outlines the key technologies that underpin the NTCS and describes the complexities, logistics, governance


Shaun Kindleysides Size 687.27 KB
pdf12 2023 - March - Copperthwaite - Progress on the route to developing and retaining diversity in signalling engineering

Jane Copperthwaite

This paper concludes the theme for Andy Knight’s year as president and in part provides a response to the first paper of his year “Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: a


Jane Copperthwaite Size 2.3 MB
pdf13 2023 - March - Zhu - Optimized Testing and Commissioning Digital Platform

Bin Zhu & Licai Fang

In this paper, we describe the optimised digital platform used for Testing and Commissioning (T&C) activities, which overcomes some common challenges arising


Bin Zhu Size 2.27 MB
pdf14 2019 - November - Burton - Should We Forget the Driver?

One of the key advantages that rail transportation has over its road-based competitors is that of driver efficiency.  Typically a train will need less drivers to get from A to B for a given


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pdf15 2019 - November - Ogilvie_Grivicic - Re-useable signalling code – efficiencies in design and validation

The benefits in using standardised designs for signalling installations have long been recognised. As technology advances, so too have the methods and opportunities available to utilise these


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pdf16 2019 - November - Terry - Why Brownfield Re-signalling Projects always require a Transition State

This paper delivers a process of changing the signalling system of an operating railway (a brownfield resignalling project) whilst maintaining resilience during the difficult period of change


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pdf17 2019 - November - Headifen - Kaikoura Earthquake and Resilience on the Main North Line

The November 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake was the largest disaster to ever strike New Zealand’s railway in terms of amount of damage. Large parts of the Main North Line (MNL) Railway were engulfed in


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pdf18 2019 - November - Stamm - GNSS

Applications of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in Railways are becoming more and more frequent. So far, the focus has been on non-safety related applications, such as passenger


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pdf19 2019 - November - Calcott - Design Standardisation

With an aging signal asset and increasing capital works program the KiwiRail team have been pushed to increase deliveryand reduce timeframes. In order to meet the increased capital and renewals


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