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Technical Meeting Papers

Technical Meetings are held three times per year.  Papers are available here for download.  You must be logged in to be able to download content.

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Downloads: 661
pdf0 2009 - April - Hodson & Isles - ICE Design and Testing Acceptance

Grant Hodson BSc

Ben Isles BEng (Hons)


The In Cab Equipment (ICE) for the Australian National Train Communications System (NTCS) implements the next 


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pdf1 2006 - Nov - McDonald - Controlling The Alice Springs to Darwing Railway - A Case Study in Appropriate Technology

Wayne McDonald BE (Elec) FIRSE

Westinghouse Rail Systems Australia

The Alice Springs-Darwin Railway is the longest Australian rail construction undertaken in over 100 years.


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pdf2 2012 - March - Beavis & Keightly - Design Philosophy for Performance on the Melbourne Metro Rail Tunnel

Paul Charles Beavis BA BE(Hons) PhD MIEAust

Victorian Department of Transport

Gareth Keightley BEng(Hons)

Metro Trains Melbourne

Melbourne Metro is a


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pdf3 2011 - March - Wust and Hjort - Wheres The Train?

Derel Wust BE (Hons) MIE Aust, CPEng, GAICD

4TEL Pty Ltd

Graham Hjort BE (Hons), Grad Dip (Rail Sig)

4TEL Pty Ltd

GPS based technology is now common place


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pdf4 2012 - March - Szacsvay and Moore - Broken Rails and the Survival of the Track Circuit

Paul Szacsvay FIRSE

Principal Engineer Signalling R & D

RailCorp NSW

Trevor Moore FIRSE

Signalling Standards Engineer

Australian Rail Track


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pdf5 1995 - March - Talbot - Safety & Quality for Railways

W. Talbot

Major rail operations safety incidents such as collisions can be reduced, using railway signalling technology, by controlling the speed and spacing of trains. This provides


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pdf6 1987 - Nov - Clarke - Aberdeen - Werris Creek CTC - The Project

J.R. Clarke


Although the obvious benefits of a C.T.C. type signalling system are well know, the documented, I feel it was with some misgivings that Executive of the


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pdf7 2011 - July - Allan - The Application of Distributed Architectures on Vital Interlocking Systems

Dwayne Allan B Eng (Hons), PGradCert (Railway Signalling), AMIRSE, MIEAust, CPEng

Siemens Ltd.

Distributed control systems have their heritage in manufacturing, process or


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pdf8 1987 - July - Hancox - State Transport Authority - Re-Signalling Project - The Union Perspective

Ray Hancox S.T.A.

In December 1981 , the Austral i an Rai lways Union received a copy of a report produced by the John Connel l Group. The report contained recomnendations regarding an


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pdf9 2008 - Nov - Blakeley-Smith & Neilson - Earthing and Bonding: Emerging Australasian Practices

Andrew Blakeley-Smith, BSc(Hons), MIEAust, MIRSE

Director Andrew Blakeley-Smith & Associates

Allan Neilson, BE(Elect), MIPENZ, FIRSE

Manager Traction & Electrical


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pdf10 2007 - July - Webb - Optical Fibre for Freight Railways : Or How A Radio Communications Engineer Saw the Light

John Webb BE (Elec), MIEAust


Telecommunications companies have been using Optical Fibre for many years. So why did it take those of us in the Railway community in


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pdf11 2012 - Oct - Burns - RAMS – is that when you have more than one sheep?

Peter Burns MBA BAppSci CPEng MIEAust MIRSE

PYB Consulting Pty Ltd

RAMS analysis and the setting of RAMS requirements (often expressed as single indices) are becoming common


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pdf12 2013 - July - Hjort - Reducing Train Control Costs - The NSW Country Regional Network Experience

Graham Hjort BE(Hons), Grad Dip (Rail Sig)

4Tel Pty Ltd

Operation and maintenance of the Country Regional Network (CRN) was transferred to John Holland on 15 January 2012,


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pdf13 2010 - Oct - Grady - Signalling Maintenance and Operations Experiences in a Fully Automated Modern Medtro System

Norm Grady Comp IRSE, FIE (Aust)

Manager, Network Planning & Development – Metro Trains Melbourne

The purpose of this paper is to recount the author's experiences in the


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pdf14 2015 - October - Tipper - Signalling the Layout or Signalling the Train?

Paul Tipper BSc

P.R.Tipper Pty Ltd

The conventional practice of placing signals onto a track layout to meet operational requirements often fails to achieve the aim of the


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pdf15 1998 - Nov - Grady - Jolimont Rationalisation Project

Norm Grady

Project Manager, JRP

The Jolimont Rationalisation Project (JRP) is a multi-element project which has permanently changed the operational characteristics of the


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pdf16 1996 - July - Thornton - Australian Submarine Corporation - Logistic Support in a Commercial Environment

Jock Thornton

Australian Submarine Corporation

In June 1987, the Royal Australian Navy let a contract to the Australian Submarine Corporation (ASC) to design and build six


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pdf17 2014 - July - Hillcoat & Clancy - Increasing capacity in the Hunter Network - Streamlining train control

Brett Hillcoat G.C.Mgmt, Dip Bus Prog

Parsons Brinckerhoff

Michael Clancy B.Ed

Australian Rail Track Corporation

The Hunter Valley Rail Network is a mixed


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pdf18 2007 - July - Bilston - Design Development of Communications System for the Pilbara Iron Ore and Infrastructure Project

Simon Bilston B Eng, MIEAust

Ansaldo STS Australia Pty Ltd (Formerly Union Switch & Signal)

This paper will discuss, as a case study, the design development for the


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pdf19 2002 - November - Baker - Connex New Rolling Stock Procurement Experience The X'TRAPOLIS

Mr Brett Baker BE MBA MIRSE

Project Manager Connex New Rolling Stock Project

The approach adopted to the procurement of the New Rolling Stock for the Connex Network in


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