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Technical Meeting Papers

Technical Meetings are held three times per year.  Papers are available here for download.  You must be logged in to be able to download content.

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Downloads: 564
pdf0 2014 - July - Hillcoat & Clancy - Increasing capacity in the Hunter Network - Streamlining train control

Brett Hillcoat G.C.Mgmt, Dip Bus Prog

Parsons Brinckerhoff

Michael Clancy B.Ed

Australian Rail Track Corporation

The Hunter Valley Rail Network is a mixed


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pdf1 2000 - March - Worthington - Hillside Trains - The Franchise Experience

lan Worthington FlRSE

Alstom Australia Ltd.

The paper provides details of the Hillside Trains business and looks forward to the improvements to be provided as part of the


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pdf2 2005 - Aug - Kwong - Innovations in Education and Training For the Professions

Ken Kwong, BE (Hons), Phd, FIEE FIEAust, CQU

This paper will trace the historic evolution of education and training for the engineering professions, as well as recent innovations in


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pdf3 1986 - March - Brock - Illawarra Resignalling for Electrification Construction

A.J. Brock

Tech. Engineer, IRSE, GEC Projects Division Railway Signals

The installation for the Illawarra project involved the resignalling of 47 km. of track from just south


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pdf4 2012 - March - Farooque - DTRS System Integration - Integrating Melbourne's Digital Train Radio System

Saulat Farooque MEng, BEng, BSc

Test and Integration Manager, DTRS Project, Siemens Australia Ltd

The Digital Train Radio System (DTRS) project with the Department of


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pdf5 2015 - March - Baird - Victorian Signalling Principles HOT

Robert Baird BE (Elec) Hons, CEng, FIRSE, MIET

Rail Networks Consulting

This paper provides an overview of the signalling systems and principles that are used on the Victorian


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pdf6 1984 - Nov - Keddie - Experience with a Computer Based Message Switching System

D Keddie

Australian National

In June 1984, Australian National began commissioning a Computer Based Message Switching (CBMS) System This system was intended to eliminate


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pdf7 1997 - July - Iyad - Perumka's Experience with Electronic Interlockings

Ir Mawardi Iyad

Chief of Section Signalling, Signalling Telecommunicaton and Electric, Perumka

Perumka has been developing Cikampek - Cirebon line to be made double track


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pdf8 2011 - March - Clendon and Skilton - Axle Counters - The New Zealand Experience

James Clendon BE Hons. (Electrical and Electronic)



John Skilton BE Hons. (Electrical and Electronic)



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pdf9 2011 - July - Allan - The Application of Distributed Architectures on Vital Interlocking Systems

Dwayne Allan B Eng (Hons), PGradCert (Railway Signalling), AMIRSE, MIEAust, CPEng

Siemens Ltd.

Distributed control systems have their heritage in manufacturing, process or


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pdf10 2015 - March - Ramsdale - Transforming V/Line's Regional Rail Network

David Ramsdale B.Bus, CPA, MBA

Senior Associate - Advisian

This paper articulates how Regional Rail Link (RRL) significantly transforms V/Line’s Regional Rail Network.


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pdf11 2006 - Nov - McDonald - Controlling The Alice Springs to Darwing Railway - A Case Study in Appropriate Technology

Wayne McDonald BE (Elec) FIRSE

Westinghouse Rail Systems Australia

The Alice Springs-Darwin Railway is the longest Australian rail construction undertaken in over 100 years.


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pdf12 2013 - July - Nankervis - Managing Competency of Signalling Telecommunications Engineers and Maintainers

Phillip Nankervis Master of Professional Education and Training – Distance and Open Education

HRD Integrated Services

Rail signalling staff competency is critical to ensure


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pdf13 2001 - July - Schmits - Argus Broadband Data Network Technology

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pdf14 2009 - April - Hall - NTCS - National Train Communication System Project Overview

John Hall

Australian Rail Track Corporation

The primary purpose of the NTCS project is to provide a cost efficient, effective and interoperable Train Control  communications


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pdf15 2002 - November - Strachan - New Trains for Melbourne - The Customer's Perspective

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pdf16 2002 - April - Stepniewski - Blacktown VDU Signalling Control System "SIGVIEW"

Richard Stepniewski NSW State Manager for Signalling, Electrification & Communications

ALSTOM Australia - Transport

was successfully commissioned at Blacktown, in two stages


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pdf17 2008 - March - Nikandros - ATP - 20 Years On

George Nikandros BE CPEng RPEQ FIRSE MIEAust MACS

QR Limited

QR has had some 20 years operational experience with ATP with some 2500 route kilometres equipped, including some


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pdf18 2013 - Oct - Heibel - Quantum Leaps in Train Protection and Control

Frank Heibel PhD MSc (Hon) CPEng MIEAust FIRSE

Doc Frank Pty Ltd

The signalling systems of the metropolitan rail networks in the major Australian cities face their most


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pdf19 1997 - Nov - Jones - TETRA - A System for Transmission Based Signalling

Howard Jones

Business Manager SIMOCO


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